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Couple Having Food at Restaurant Wellness - woman getting body massage in Spa Chinese mother and Asian Son at home Chinese mother and Asian Son at home Student with pile of books learning in library Young Chinese Boy with homework for school Gym fitness women - Training and workout Wellness - woman getting body massage in Spa Wellness - woman having aloe vera application 20110706- N3G7890 Woman in poidatry studio receiving pedicure 20100814- N3G2358 Active family in summer walking and bicycling Family - child doing homework Woman receiving podiatry treatment in Day Spa Woman in poidatry studio receiving pedicure Call center operator Happy family in summer outdoors Young Chinese Boy with homework for school A scent of summer Family - child with cell or smartphone Grabbing the apple Girl petting dog Young Chinese boy suffering from parents divorce Female radio presenter in radio station on air Father and son playing at sunset Sister, Whisper, Dog Radio presenter in radio station on air Wellness - woman getting body massage in Spa Family having BBQ in their garden Wedding couple with balloons Family having BBQ in their garden Female radio presenter in radio station on air Wedding couple with dove in hand Active family in summer walking and bicycling Woman receiving podiatry treatment in Day Spa Girl with sweet goodies and candy Wellness - woman having aloe vera application Girl in the reed Family - child with cell or smartphone Young Chinese boy suffering from parents divorce Young Chinese Boy with homework for school Call center operator Wellness - woman getting body massage in Spa Young Chinese boy suffering from parents divorce Family summer on ladder to tree house Woman in poidatry studio receiving pedicure Family having BBQ in their garden